Creating a REST service in Oracle Service Bus 12C


In this first REST post I will demonstrate how to make easily expose a REST service in the Service Bus 12C. I will not explain REST as quite some people have already written tons of stuff about this….Google is your friend 🙂 . Exposing a service in a REST way using the new 12C release is quite simple. Lets try and expose the ConversionRateService we previously build as a REST Continue ReadingCreating a REST service in Oracle Service Bus 12C

Creating a template in Oracle Service Bus 12C


In this article I will show how to use the new templating functionality in Oracle Service Bus 12C. When building a lot of services through different projects, you will always duplicate certain functionality such as Logging, Validation etc… All conform your current development rules and guidelines of the project. This means tedious copying and pasting of certain pieces of code and the old OEPE IDE isn’t always precise with that. Continue ReadingCreating a template in Oracle Service Bus 12C

Building a simple service using Oracle Service Bus 12C


Oracle released their new 12C edition of Oracle Fusion Middleware so lets have a look at some of the changes. We are going to make a simple Service Bus project which will take two currencies as input and will return the exchange rate. I installed locally Weblogic 12C and created a base domain. For a brief description how to install SOA Suite 12C see here. After you have installed weblogic, Continue ReadingBuilding a simple service using Oracle Service Bus 12C

Dynamic routing in the OSB

In this post I will show how it is possible to make a dynamic routing in the OSB. You can use this if you need to route to different BusinessServices dependant of information you have. First we have to create a ProxyService CustomerService. As a last step insert an Routing element with a Dynamic Routing in it. We also create 2 BusinessServices where BS_CustomerA calls customers A service and BS_CustomerB Continue ReadingDynamic routing in the OSB

Converting JSON to XML in the OSB when consuming a REST service.

In my previous post I showed you how you could consume the Google Geo service using the OSB. In that example we used XML as the return format. It was also possible to return JSON. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and is smaller then XML and faster en easier to parse. The JSON text format is syntactically identical to the code for creating JavaScript objects. That is why it Continue ReadingConverting JSON to XML in the OSB when consuming a REST service.

Consuming Google Geo REST service using the OSB

In this article I will explain how you can make use of the Google Geo Service API using the OSB. Check out this page to see what we can do with this API. Basically it makes it possible to enter address details and Google comes up with the geographical details including longitude and latitude if Google can find it. The result can either be returned as JSON or as XML. Continue ReadingConsuming Google Geo REST service using the OSB

Create a SFTP polling service in the OSB

You can use the FTP transport of a proxyservice to poll a certain directory for files. Lets make a simple service which polls for a catalog.txt file on a SFTP server. First create a proxyservice, PS_PollCatalogFileService for example. Select Messaging Service as Service Type on the general tab. Check the Text option for the Message Request Type on the Messaging tab. Leave the Message Response Type on None. On the Continue ReadingCreate a SFTP polling service in the OSB

Add cookie to service callout using the OSB

It might be possible that you want to send a cookie along with a service callout. You can add a Transport Header action to your callout to add a header but I found out that you can’t just input a String in there. You have to insert a cookie-values fragment. You can accomplish it by doing this. First insert you Transport Header. Next select the ‘Add header’ button and select Continue ReadingAdd cookie to service callout using the OSB