Deployment trouble using OEPE to deploy to the OSB (Could not perform unpadding: invalid pad byte)

It might happen that you are using OEPE and that you want to deploy to the OSB server but when you try to do this, you recieve the ‘Error creating configuration jar’. When you look at the detail of the error it wil say this: Caused by: com.rsa.jsafe.JSAFE_PaddingException: Could not perform unpadding: invalid pad byte. The easiest workaround is just to delete your old OSB configuration project and create a Continue ReadingDeployment trouble using OEPE to deploy to the OSB (Could not perform unpadding: invalid pad byte)

Deployment trouble using OEPE to deploy to the OSB ( _binary/SessionData/singleton (No such file or directory) )

When you use OEPE to deploy to the OSB, you might run into this problem during deployment: .FileNotFoundException: /oraclesoa/Middleware/user_projects/domains/MY_DOMAIN/osb/config/sessions/ALSB_IDE_Internal_PublishOp_1313998-1275/_binary/SessionData/singleton (No such file or directory) This problem occurs when your session is invalid or been corrupted. You can fix this by going to MY_ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/MY_DOMAIN/osb/config/sessions/ and remove or rename the directory involved. After this, restart your managed server and the problem should have been fixed.

Using Java and Spring to connect to an Active Directory

You might find yourself in a position where you want to add, edit or delete accounts in your Active Directory. The OSB itself doesn’t have an adapter for it so how do you resolve this? One of the options is to write a custom java library, add it to your domain and invoke it using a java-callout. Let’s start by making a simple Java project making use of Maven and Continue ReadingUsing Java and Spring to connect to an Active Directory