Reference another project in SoapUI

We all know and love the great freeware tool SoapUI to test web and rest services and do other nifty groovy stuff. You can build big testsuites to make sure your software keeps running and the keeps working the way you want it to work. When building these testsuites you often do the same calls because to need to retrieve data and get all the things you need to build Continue ReadingReference another project in SoapUI

Custom maven plugin example

Maven has a lot of custom plugins build by people all over the world so searching for them on the web is always a first but it could be that you can’t find what you are looking for. In that case you can always write your own plugin. It is quite simple. Start of my creating a maven project based on the maven-archetype-mojo. Fill in your artifactId en groupId and Continue ReadingCustom maven plugin example

Get numbers from Scrumwise through API

As you have seen from my previous posts, I have been using Scrumwise to help me facilitate Scrum in my projects. The think which I am missing but is on the wish-list is reporting. As teamlead I had to report to projectmanagers about progress, hours burned etc… All these things I can get from Scrumwise through its API. See . To get this done I wrote a simple Java Continue ReadingGet numbers from Scrumwise through API

Scrumwise review

I have been a fan of Scrum for many years now. I did my Scrummaster course in 2007 with Jeff Sutherland and since then, I try to use Scrum on every project I participate on. At most companies you can grab a blank wall and stick a piece of paper on it to create a physical Scrum board. The company I work for now didn’t have that luxury so I Continue ReadingScrumwise review

Dynamic routing in the OSB

In this post I will show how it is possible to make a dynamic routing in the OSB. You can use this if you need to route to different BusinessServices dependant of information you have. First we have to create a ProxyService CustomerService. As a last step insert an Routing element with a Dynamic Routing in it. We also create 2 BusinessServices where BS_CustomerA calls customers A service and BS_CustomerB Continue ReadingDynamic routing in the OSB

Converting JSON to XML in the OSB when consuming a REST service.

In my previous post I showed you how you could consume the Google Geo service using the OSB. In that example we used XML as the return format. It was also possible to return JSON. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and is smaller then XML and faster en easier to parse. The JSON text format is syntactically identical to the code for creating JavaScript objects. That is why it Continue ReadingConverting JSON to XML in the OSB when consuming a REST service.

Consuming Google Geo REST service using the OSB

In this article I will explain how you can make use of the Google Geo Service API using the OSB. Check out this page to see what we can do with this API. Basically it makes it possible to enter address details and Google comes up with the geographical details including longitude and latitude if Google can find it. The result can either be returned as JSON or as XML. Continue ReadingConsuming Google Geo REST service using the OSB

Create a SFTP polling service in the OSB

You can use the FTP transport of a proxyservice to poll a certain directory for files. Lets make a simple service which polls for a catalog.txt file on a SFTP server. First create a proxyservice, PS_PollCatalogFileService for example. Select Messaging Service as Service Type on the general tab. Check the Text option for the Message Request Type on the Messaging tab. Leave the Message Response Type on None. On the Continue ReadingCreate a SFTP polling service in the OSB

Creating a custom XPath function for the XSLT mapper in the SOA Suite

Sometimes the default XSLT-mapper in the SOA Suite just is not enough. You want a little bit more or you want something that is re-usable for other components. The answer lies in writing your own XPath function. The first thing we need is to create a jar file which contains our functionality. Say we want a function which creates a displayname based on a few parameters. We will use Maven Continue ReadingCreating a custom XPath function for the XSLT mapper in the SOA Suite

Using Groovy to connect to Active Directory

I have made a previous post about connecting to an AD using Java here. In another setup I want to connect to an AD using Groovy as we can use this in SoapUI. Lets say you have made an AccountManagingService which creates account in an AD for you. Now you want a way to test this service using SoapUI. The first thing you do is to make a testcase in Continue ReadingUsing Groovy to connect to Active Directory