Building a simple microservice using Spring Boot

In this short post, I will show how to build a simple JPA Microservice using Spring Boot. Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone based applications that you can run and need very little Spring configuration as we will see in this short tutorial. For an explanation about microservices, read this article of Martin Fowler. For the code, see As I was saying we are going to use Continue ReadingBuilding a simple microservice using Spring Boot

SOA Suite 12C: Simple example of using the Spring component

A few days ago, we needed a some business functionality to validate an IBAN account number. You can use inline Java in your BPEL process but there are more elegant ways as you don’t want to pollute your orchestration layer with business functionality. An nice and elegant way, in my opinion, is the use of the Spring component. By using this component you can expose a Java bean as simple Continue ReadingSOA Suite 12C: Simple example of using the Spring component

Using Java and Spring to connect to an Active Directory

You might find yourself in a position where you want to add, edit or delete accounts in your Active Directory. The OSB itself doesn’t have an adapter for it so how do you resolve this? One of the options is to write a custom java library, add it to your domain and invoke it using a java-callout. Let’s start by making a simple Java project making use of Maven and Continue ReadingUsing Java and Spring to connect to an Active Directory